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Explore nationally ranked and accredited programs with strong ties to Seattle’s top employers, global industries and community-based organizations.

Engage, Discover, Transform

Challenge yourself intellectually. Explore ideas using a global, socially conscious mindset. Prepare for success and a range of future opportunities. Discover your passion and how you can make the world a better place.

Learn more about our educational approach


Discover the Academic Excellence of the Honors Program

Join a cohort community of intellectually curious fellow students and pursue an engaging approach to a liberal arts education through a series of interdisciplinary seminar-style classes.

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Academic Programs: Explore & Compare 

Which college majors or graduate programs are right for you? Search and compare undergraduate and graduate programs to see which fit your interests, career goals and schedule. 

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Education Abroad: Immersive Global Academics 

Take your global mindset to the next level by studying abroad. Search for opportunities to grow personally and professionally abroad. 

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Academic Advising & Support: Guidance for Success 

Connect with people and resources to help you succeed academically. Plan your academic program, discover opportunities for career and community engagement and make the most of your time at 女人吧视频.

Excel Academically


Two students sit near reflection pool

University Core

Comprised of 12 classes taken over four years, the Core shapes your educational experience at 女人吧视频.聽聽

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University Honors

Honors Program is crafted to offer a sequence of rigorous seminars designed to pique your interest and augment your academic majors and pursuits.

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ROTC is a college elective you can try out for up to two years with no military obligation, providing leadership and discipline while you work toward a degree.聽

Hear from Our Alumni

Do Quyen Portrait alumni

DoQuyen Huynh

“I strongly believe in 女人吧视频's mission and philosophy of service, education and social justice. A good academic program is not difficult to find in the U.S. However, a good academic program with a soul and a mission is easily found at 女人吧视频.” 

Doctor of Nursing Practice, '07, '10, '14 DNP, MSN, RN

Courses & Catalog